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Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Simon g jewelry

Simon G: The Making Of A jewelry Icon

"If you jewelry that is firmly want, can not afford to neglect anything," Simon G

Simon Ghanimian learned from his parents as a boy in Beirut, that when you do something with your bare hands you build never hungry. In addition, the values ​​of honesty, hard work, they have learned and are easy to see how Simon G has become one of the leading jewelry designers and manufacturers in the world.

Simon G jewelry is currently sold in over 900 locations and employs 60 designers and jewelers from around the world. A long journey from where he started in Los Angeles with his wife Silvia. If Ghanimian initially tried to take his business in the Town Hall told him that his name was too long, and Simon G was born.

When it comes to fine jewelry from Simon G employees live by one simple rule when it comes to fine jewelry comes, no detail is too small to be ignored.

It all starts with the first sketch, and then followed by dozens of changes to the design is perfect. Therefore, the design in a CAD model is converted so that it can be viewed in 3D and add any further refinements. From design to reality, jewelry design carefully through a production process.

Simon alloys are metals, platinum and gold work, this allows him total control over the metal parts and provides the greatest durability and longevity. This scheme allows you, for complex bead embroidery, engraving and filigree ring.

The merger of the head stone of the loops. While many jewelers specializing in the creation of diamonds and precious stones, goes one step further and Simon G has its own stone-setters who have specialized in a particular style of the area. The micro-set release, channel and pin-setting each diamond setter is a specialist in his style.

Here are the final details, such as beads, milgraining and engraving are all done by hand to each piece is unique with its own character and detail. After all this is happening very much makes one last trip through the quality, where it with a microscope to make sure that you buy the ring is good as you can from controlled.

On the question of where is Simon Says. "I still have my greatest thrill of creating a new piece have a seat and put one idea is as magical as it was my first time today that I have, it was done."

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