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Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Carolee jewelry

Carolee jewelry

First Wives' Jewelry Club - Tastes and Trends of Presidential Spouses.

With First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis back in the news with a never before released interview and new book, Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy, we're reminded of how influential First Ladies have been on culture and fashion. Here's a look back in time at some of our country's most iconic First Ladies and their penchant for eye-popping jewelry.

The Elegance of Presidential Pearls

From Jackie O. to Michelle O., many First Ladies have loved the simple but classic elegance of pearl necklaces and bracelets. Barbara Bush was known for wearing her three-strand costume pearl necklace while in the White House. They became so popular that many companies created replicas and sold them as "First Lady Pearls" or "Barbara Bush Pearls."

Current First Lady Michelle Obama also favors pearls, specifically necklaces with Gobstopper-sized pearls and a 16 mm single strand bracelet by Carolee. Michelle O. is seen so often wearing pearls, that she has been credited with bringing them back into fashion.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis' iconic style influenced a generation of fashion-forward women who embraced her style as their own. Jackie O. loved her pearl necklaces and made them wildly popular while she was in the White House. Her signature piece while First Lady was a triple-strand faux pearl necklace designed by jeweler Kenneth Jay Lane. The necklace went on to sell for $211,500 at Sotheby's.

More Famous First Jewels

Mamie Eisenhower had a taste for large and beautiful costume jewelry, but it wasn't necessarily expensive. She was not above buying her pieces from discount department stores such as J.C. Penny's and Woolworth's.

Julia Grant loved her green emeralds, blue sapphires and red rubies, but black onyx was the personal favorite of Mary Lincoln. She is seen in many official photographs wearing some or all of a of black onyx set that included a necklace, bracelet, earrings and pin.

Ida Saxton McKinley was quite the jewelry collector. Her extensive collection began with gifts from her father and grandfather, and grew to include many diamond pieces and unset jewels that she kept in a bag. She enjoyed taking them out and admiring them, and was even known to let visiting children play with them.

Nellie Taft was also a fan of diamonds. She was famously photographed in the White House donning a white diamond tiara, and was also regularly seen wearing thick diamond necklaces with matching bracelets.

For Christmas following her husband's election in 1920, Florence Harding was given a large diamond sunburst. The piece had been picked out by her best friend-heiress Evalyn McLean who owned the Hope Diamond.

In her later years as First Lady, Nancy Reagan often chose to wear a matching gold necklace and bracelet. She was photographed wearing the pieces in 1988 when she addressed the United Nations.

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Carolee jewelry

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