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Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Cameo jewelry

cameo jewelry

Torre Del Greek Cameo Jewelry - classic beauty and timeless jewelry cameo

Cameo jewelry the queen and the princess

The diamond is forever, but Cameo is one of timeless jewels. Cameos are over thousands of years. Cameo is beautiful and timeless beauty of antique jewelry. Queen Elizabeth I loved to wear cameos and popularized. Catherine the Great was an impressive collection of cameos. Napoleon and Queen Victoria includes cameos. Cameo jewelry is the queen and the princess from long ago. First cameo was reduced to 6 BC in Rome. Cameo is a very popular person of the kingdom, especially in the nineteenth century in England. Queen Victoria fell in love with cameo and became popular and favorite so far out of his kingdom.

Cameo jewelry is made of precious stone or shell in relief. Cameos were popular as pins and pendants usually a black velvet ribbon, satin ribbons, or even wear pastel colors. Classic cameo consists of lava, coral and shells. Cameo carving is hand made in the rule and in many forms, such as necklaces, brooches, rings, brooches, earrings, cufflinks and brooches.

Cameo of origin and production are almost exclusively Italian. Produced cameo jewelry comes from the Greek Tower in Italy, as the center of cameo carving. The engraving is another important center of Idar-Oberstein, Germany. Italian Cameo is made by hand, but machine-made cameos Germany.

Where is the timeless beauty of the cameo? You need to visit Torre Del Greco with your lover, the romantic city in the vicinity of Naples and Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Tower is the city of Del Greek cameo craft and the production of massive coral jewelry from the 19th Century. The craftsmen of Torre del Greece has developed to provide a technique using hand tools to the reservoirs for engraving cameos. In 1878 the school was founded in order to have enough trained people available to have to deal with the increased demand.

Tower of the Greek city of Cameo
Tower of Greek is also a famous summer resort of the nobility or wealthy Italians. They built palaces and summer houses and one of the most important beauty is the Palazzo Materazzo. Tower of the Greek is a romantic city, where to spend very little time there. Thousands of tourists from around the world every year to visit Torre del Greco. The city is also famous for its cafes, like Café Grand Palumbo. There are many small cafes with good food, ice cream, desserts and coffee or cappuccino.

Nature of jewelry with gemstones
There are two different methods of carving a cameo: relief and intaglio printing. Relief is cameos show from scratch with only the front profile or a page to an image that can be seen from all sides, carved in contrast. Cameo carving is carved from the back of the profile or photo. Nature of the shell cameos are usually made of carnelian shell and pearl produced sardonic.
Carnelian Cameo - woman Bacchante

Carnelian (also spelled cornelian) is a reddish brown mineral often used as a semi-precious stones. Carved carnelian shell cameo as usual peach, orange or red-brown. The high quality and expensive Carnelian Cameo is a high color contrast with dark background. Carnelian Shell is the West African coast, mainly from India. Carnelian is from the Latin word (sweet carnis), meaning meat. Carnelian is believed that a good energy to bring protection against bad vibrations, protects against poverty, helps a sense of humor and calm temperament. But the most important thing is to make jewelry charm and beauty.

Sardonyx cameo of Diana, the huntress

Sardonyx is a variant in which the colored bands are Sardinian (reds), instead of black. Shell cameos sardonic often the most expensive. The word comes from the Greek onyx, Sard meaning "reddish-brown," and onyx meaning "veined gem." Varieties of onyx are carnelian onyx, with red and white bands, and sardonyx, with white and brown stripes. Sardonyx shell originates from the Caribbean and the Bahamas, Eastern Africa and Central America. The best stones are found in India. Sardonyx believed lasting happiness, stability of marriage attracts friends and good luck.

Mother of Pearl Cameo

Nacre, also known as the pearl, it comes from inside of clams or oysters and rare shell cameo. Nacre is difficult to carve. Cameo is usually made of mother of pearl blue with the appearance of luminescence. Mother of Pearl is available in different natural colors, and is often bleached and dyed for decorative use. Some cultures regarded colorful pieces of pearl as more desirable decoration for jewelry, gems, and others.

Great gift Cameo Love

Cameo is not cheap, but really not that expensive. Many women expect cameo as a gift of love. Cameo is a wonderful gift of love, weddings, birthdays and special occasions. Cameos from classic seventeenth-century popular figure with Cupid Cupid with Venus, Cupid's arrow shooting, and plays Cupid with goat. A number of Victorian cameos, so love with the figure of Cupid.

The cameos were secret messages sentimental Victorian cameos. A cameo appearance by a Cupid riding a lion has "conquered love everything." Significance as Cupid in a cage has a sense of "Prisoner of Love".

So what kind of cameo appearance as the best gift for your partner or someone important to you?
cameo jewelry

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