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Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Cape cod jewelry

The advantages of bartering goods and services between individuals

Phoenix barter exchange trading is not a new concept. It has been there as long as man has walked on earth. In fact, long before there were people exchanged goods and services in cash for services for other services. This is how the trading day.

In these days of barter trade is as popular as ever before, especially for small businesses who often have a lack of money. The Internet has hundreds, maybe thousands of bartering websites for small businesses struggling to survive and designed by providing a way for them to make the necessary goods or services that would otherwise not afford access to help you prosper.

The owner of a shoe shop could be a pair of moccasins to swap the dentist for a check-up and treatment of tooth whitening, if both members of a barter trade and have access to each other. A decorator can your service technician for a trendy pair of earrings and the swap transaction, the exchange of money, it will be useful for both companies.

But bartering is not just for small businesses. It's a cliche these days among ordinary consumers - individuals. This is due to leave the bad economy, many have a lack of funds, without work or other difficulties. Many ordinary people are simply not the money to buy products or services you want or need. But often something that can drive the trade.

Barter Exchanges, Barter Phoenix are also there for the customer. And every day more and more people with access to computers joining these sites and make full use of the opportunities available to them. In fact, the online community as CL and Swap Thing environments in which members offer to exchange goods and services with each movement of money to promote. Not a penny changes hands.

These pages are members of the daily ... many of them. Recently Craigslist has a huge 142,000 messages that everything you need for the exchange offer except the kitchen sink. And it is really possible, that was also present.

What swap is even more committed. It usually leads to a phenomenal 35 million lists the cause of everything, apparel, books to school ... Holiday house ... Working for the goods ... and on and on and on.

It is really for people who feel the idea of ​​obligation? The answer is clearly yes, especially in these hard economic times, when cash-flow problems typical for many families.

Take the case of a woman I'll call Rachel (not her real name). She and her husband Ted (not his real name either) to live in a town in the Midwest and most of the dream vacation in Cape Cod for Rachel, in particular, is a dream of a life. And Rachel and Ted was finally this dream ... until they discovered that adequate housing in the region would be a price of about $ 200 per night, a little 'over their holiday budget will be. In most cases, squelch the lack of money available to complete any possibility of life, a reality.

But given the current proliferation of Web sites for consumer barter, Rachel grabbed a concept. Her husband Ted advertised accounting expert in exchange for the accommodation of three or four nights in a hotel in Cape Cod, motel or similar facilities. The post appeared on Craigslist, and consequently, Rachel and Ted in a position to enjoy their vacation in Cape Cod to - the price for free.

Of course there are thousands of other examples of successful swap or barter exchanges between consumers, with each part of the exchange finished a winner. In fact, every year, and for the summer and autumn - the beginning of a new school - many harried moms are able to share a goal for school uniforms for their children's education service. This of course saves a costly trip to the clothing. Parents and older children, especially those who already enjoy in school, trade textbooks for advanced students usually know all shockingly expensive.

Of course, the exchange system works well for individual customers and businesses. And just like for small businesses, consumers took part in exchange for lots of new friends (and many business people to meet new customers) ... Benefits from a transaction in which he or she almost always wins ... and developed a hobby (or custom), which often turns into an irresistible passion.

There is more to the regular customers, such as trade, as well. It offers a real opportunity to move and free yourself of old, dust collecting objects (such as would happen if we have a flea market) ... Enjoy the pleasant truth, from the trade (you will be like a kid in a candy store ") comes ... and, of course, if trade or barter, money is saved. This is particularly important today, in these difficult economic times.

What's more, you may even be able to merchandise you've always wanted to buy but could not afford in any way (so expensive, is used so lightly, luxury items such as clothing and jewelry, exotic vacations or fantastic electronic goods for house) ... or services such as health care or health and ... or professional services such as accounting, taxes, including legal advice, just because you are a member of a community sharing site = 0e give two you are ready, something to get something in return - all without exchanging money.

So now you ask yourself, bartering is something I can appreciate and enjoy? If you are like millions of other people, the answer is probably yes. And even if someone is out of the mass, the more likely answer is yes. Barter is a social experience ... and usually a lot of fun for the participants. In all likelihood, something of its social and community value, because it simply allows goods and services without the use of hard-earned money to purchase necessary.

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