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Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Gordons jewelry

gordons jewelry

Jewelry Houston The term "supermarket" was produced by Abe "Honey" Donsky in 1953. But family roots date back to 1850 and beginning in Houston, with the first family business, Ephraim & Rosenfield, who in 1866 on Main St., Houston, Texas was. In 1870 the company moved to Hempstead, Texas, and then again in the 20th Century in Tyler, Texas. Be transferred in 1953 decided Abe "Honey" Donsky and his wife Margaret, the case to Houston, just down the road, where Margaret's grandfather, Jacob, Ephraim, had pointed to the first family shop in the middle of the nineteenth century.

From the start, Houston jewelry and is operated by the same family. Donsky the Solomon family is now in its fifth generation of the active management of this business.

This story is also a story of a family, such as those of the company. This is only a rough family history of a family in Texas, but also the history of the growth of retail in Texas, and how the different generations of the family is the family trade has grown from a frontier general jewelry stores, catalog and recent Internet sales. Was developed as a new medium for the promotion of trade from 1852, every generation has taken over what has come before, and changed and changed the company to new sales channels.

Donsky Jacob moved to Dallas in 1884 and in the food industry. His sons, Abe, 'Honey' and Nathan Donsky Donsky, followed in his father's company. The brothers were two of ten siblings. During the 1920s and early 1930s, the Dallas natives employed in numerous business ventures in North and Central America to Texas as the sale of concessions at rodeos and minor league baseball games. Until mid-1930 Nathan Donsky was in San Angelo in the Permian Basin, which was at that time, the center of the oil boom in Texas down. It was the first in the farmhouse with a relative and then opened Nathan's Jewelers. Abe "Honey" Donsky had then settled in Longview, Texas and is in the business of beer with his good friends, the Glazers. According to family tradition, one evening while driving a truck Glazer, nothing else lifted as Bonnie & Clyde. Honey married Margaret Solinger Tyler, Texas. Margaret's maternal grandfather, Jacob, Ephraim, emigrated from Germany in Hempstead, Texas in the middle of the 1850th Jacob served in Hempstead Light Dragoons during the war between the states, and the owner of the General Store in Houston, Texas named Ephraim & Rosenfield. In 1870 he joined the company in Hempstead, Texas. Margaret parents, Jacob & Henrietta Solinger operated a general store in Tyler, Texas, named Leon. During the Depression, loans have to their neighbors, so it the food it needs to be expanded.

In about 1940, Nathan Donsky very ill, Donsky honey, his family moved from Longview to San Angelo to his brother Nathan Jewelers location and restored. In 1940 a great success for Jewelers Nathan as the Army Air Corps Base in San Angelo has been a major area of ​​proven training, and the surrounding landscape was an important oil-producing region at this time. In this decade, Nathan has spread to cities like Paris and Brownwood. His younger brother, Ervin and his wife, Frances, managed, and these shops are partners in the arts. Other family members of other shops in the area. Honey and Nathan also worked as Jewelers stores in Kish. In 1948, Francis and Ervin decided to Dallas and bought back and converted to Sterling Jewelers Kuhn wholesale jewelry wholesale. It became one of the nation's first catalog showroom. Honeywell in 1953 moved to Houston, where he worked with Dave and Ruth Rubin, owned Daru Jewelers. They decided to form a partnership and opened its first showroom catalog of Houston, Houston wholesale jewelers. The first store was located on the Main and Rusk Shoe Store Baker. How is the family tradition, the Honey Brothers, and Nathan Ervin and his brother-in-law, Bob Slaton, investment in new activities. Houston Jewelers Wholesale Sterling Jewelers based on the successful wholesaler and the two joint product development based on their catalog and I have bought many items, get special rates. In 1955, Houston Wholesale Jewelers was so successful that honey in the position of the principle investors and a profit online again. With this growth, the shop moved into larger quarters, and Rusk to Travis in the lobby of the Palace Club in Houston in 1956. In 1957, Dave disappeared Rubin, Rubin and honey Donsky acquired shares in the company. Ruth Rubin has with the company as a buyer by mid-1980th

In 1961, Ervin Donsky see the future of trade and decided it was time to expand outside of downtown Dallas. Ervin built a large store of 50,000 + square feet in the northern suburb of Dallas Northwest Highway and Central Expressway. Both Miele and Nathan invested in this bold new venture, officials of the new Sterling Jewelry & Distributing Company, but also their own business. In 1961, largely changed due to pressure from Zales Jewelers and Gordon Jewelry Company, the Texas Legislature, the activity code that avoids selling each company with the word "wholesale" in their names to the public in general. Houston Jewelers Wholesale operations and not all consumers have a buyer and service provider for the new Houston Jewelry & distributing company. [Houston Jewelers Wholesale currently offers repair and production of jewelery, Inc. Houston] Sterling Jewelers Wholesale has followed a similar path.

In the mid-1960s the company had so much, honey Donsky went looking for a new larger facility grew. As luck would have it, he found that moving star was preparing to move to the suburbs, and wanted to sell his building to Milam and Rusk, by blocking the path of building Houston Club. In 1966 bought the building, honey and his good friend and architect Arnold Hendler, renovated into a beautiful, clean, modern retail showroom.

In 1971 the gallery opened in Houston and it was clear that the future of retail honey Donsky not in the center of the city. He has therefore decided to search for real estate to a second store on Westheimer Ervin and build bigger ones, as he has in Dallas in 1961. In 1973, he found and bought nearly 5 acres of raw Westheimer and Gessner. At that time the area west of Gessner Ranch just opened. In the early 70s, the stock market was booming, and the three brothers have agreed to do in Dallas and Houston together and the combined company public. Unfortunately, the oil embargo of 1973, the market crashed, and the new company is still growing a private family. Opened in 1979, Ervin Donsky, the president of the new company, another store in Richardson, Texas. Wanted in 1984 was real estate investors who buy his building on Milam and Rusk and build an office tower honey. Honey wisely sells the property. Collapsed within a year after selling Houston real estate market, the tower was never built, and the building remained empty until now.

The center of Houston Jewelry has moved into what his appears to be the new center of the city, in the beautiful First City Financial Tower, which was built one of the many office towers on the south side of downtown Houston and connected to the famous tunnel system. The savings and loan crash, removed as a result of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to invest a lot of tax incentives and property rights. This immediately devalued real estate companies, leading to a collapse of the banking system, to complete the purchase of these shares and was funded for an end to development, and for that matter, the activity in downtown Houston. In 1991 it was decided to close shop in downtown Houston, and the peak position to make new Westheimer and Gessner. In 1987, the original Dallas store was closed and a new shop was in Arlington, Texas opened.

In 1992, Nathan Donsky disappeared. At this point, the catalog showroom industry died quickly. Each month the shops across the country were closed, as the format was outdated. The size of the original store from 40,000 to 50,000 square meters of retail space was too small to deal with the monster stores like Wal-Mart and Kmart, 120,000 square meters were competing.

Many family members wanted to pursue other business. Honey and son-in-law, Andrew L. Solomon, Solomon's daughter Dana, and nephew, Rex Solomon wanted, Houston jewelry into a high-end jewelry and fine gift shop. Also, Ervin and his son Howard Donsky, he wanted the same thing in Dallas with Sterling.

In the spring of 1993 opened Sterling Diamonds & Fine Gifts in Dallas, and Houston in summer 1993 Fine Jewelry & Gifts opened its new headquarters in Houston. In 1998, Houston Jewelry has a department specializing in online sales and distribution of the religions. In the fall of 2004 Jewelry Houston salon opened by the legendary Texas fur fur trader Samuel splashes run.
gordons jewelry

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