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Selasa, 04 September 2012

Tips in Choosing a costume jewelry

Tips in Choosing a costume jewelry

Jewelry has become more of a decorative brooch she wore to bring a sweater. This is a collection of memories of another time. Head to meet each exchange, garage sales or estate auctions and you will find a box full of charms, bracelets and earrings. Everything seems not worth it, but it seems a little "closer and you may find something useful after all.

Like other collectors, we must know what they collect. Become an expert in your area of ​​interest may be the key to finding a good piece of your collection. Costume jewelry has many faces, pieces that you think you've found a great deal on it may very well be nothing more than a plastic with a layer of nickel. Warning jewelry wholesaler, although appealing and attractive vintage pieces, which can not be experienced collectors are looking for. Collectors who are looking for quality jewelry was key tips to make the difference between reality and look the same. Jewelry with a high value should be more bright and beautiful from afar. Up is located near a good piece of jewelry should be flawless.

Different designers have different appearance of the signature, become familiar with it will help you identify scammers. Signature can be a simple sign or delete the entry. The problem with this type of signature that can be easily created. Looking for a particular design will be very useful when you can see the weakness of the structure. Each designer hopes to stand out from others, in this case, they use different production methods at their jewelry. Knowing what part should be where and how they should be connected will be the key to see if there is a reconstruction of the original source.

There are all the different materials used in the manufacture of jewelry, some more important than others. Being able to see the right ingredients, among others, can be difficult. One trick is to use a synthetic material called Bakelite. A quick test is easy to understand if you are dealing with something that is real is to provide evidence of bubbles washing. No, this is not the way to learn to clean the tank, but with these cleaning bathroom on a cotton ball and apply common proof of original jewelry in seconds. There is one person in a suggestion to start, you might even be one of the jewels of experts collector costume. With the World Wide Web at your fingertips all the information you need is one click.